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$[Editing {\$FullName}]

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  • ": $ret_html=str_repeat($BulletType, $ListDepth); break; case "
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    ": $ListDepth--; break; case "": $ListDepth--; break; case "": $ListDepth--; break; } return $ret_html; } SDV($NewLineCreated,0); // Set to 1 if a
    has just been matched, to display a (:cellnr:) instead of a (:cellr:) function TableMarkupReplace($matches) { global $HTML_Markups,$NewLineCreated; $ret_html=''; $opclose=$matches[1]; $markup=$matches[2]; $params=$matches[3]; if (trim($params)!="" && $opclose != "/") { preg_match_all("/([a-zA-Z]+?)=[\"|']([^\"'>]+?)[\"|']/",$params,$attr_match); $i=0; while ($i$attr_val) { if (in_array($attr_name,$HTML_Markups[$markup]['autorizedparam'])) $wikiparam.=" $attr_name=$attr_val"; } } else $wikiparam=""; if ($opclose=="") { switch ($markup) { case "table": $ret_html="(:table$wikiparam:)\r\n"; break; case "tr": $NewLineCreated=1; break; case "th": $ret_html= ($NewLineCreated==1) ? "(:cellnr$wikiparam:)" : "(:cell$wikiparam:)"; $NewLineCreated=0; break; case "td": $ret_html= ($NewLineCreated==1) ? 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There isn't an openning markup and a closing one with some stuff between */ $HTML_Markups = array( 'b' => array( 'start' => "'''", 'end' => "'''" , 'type' => 'noattr'), 'strong' => array( 'alias' => 'b' ), 'i' => array( 'start' => "''", 'end' => "''", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'em' => array( 'alias' => 'i' ), 'tt' => array( 'start' => '@@', 'end' => '@@', 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'code' => array( 'alias' => 'tt' ), 'small' => array( 'start' => "'+", 'end' => "+'", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'big' => array( 'start' => "'-", 'end' => "-'", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'sup' => array( 'start' => "'^", 'end' => "^'", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'sub' => array( 'start' => "'_", 'end' => "_'", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'ins' => array( 'start' => '{+', 'end' => '+}', 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'u' => array( 'alias' => 'ins'), 'del' => array( 'start' => '{-', 'end' => '-}', 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'strike' => array( 'alias' => 'del'), 'p' => array( 'type' => 'attr', 'attr_class' => array( 'vspace' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "\r\n\r\n"), 'default' => array ('start' => '%p class=$param%', 'end' => "%%\r\n\r\n")), 'attr_align' => array( 'justify' => array ('start' => "%block text-align=justify%", 'end' => "%%\r\n\r\n"), 'center' => array ('start' => "%block text-align=center%", 'end' => "%%\r\n\r\n"), 'right' => array ('start' => "%block text-align=right%", 'end' => "%%\r\n\r\n"), 'default' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "\r\n\r\n")), 'attr_style' => array ('text-align: center;' => array ('start' => "%block text-align=center%", 'end' => "%%\r\n\r\n"), 'default' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "\r\n\r\n")), 'no_attr_def' => array( 'start' => "", 'end' => "\r\n\r\n")), 'div' => array( 'type' => 'attr', 'attr_class' => array( 'vspace' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "\r\n\r\n"), 'default' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "\r\n\r\n")), 'attr_align' => array( 'justify' => array ('start' => "%block text-align=justify%", 'end' => "%%\r\n\r\n"), 'center' => array ('start' => "%block text-align=center%", 'end' => "%%\r\n\r\n"), 'right' => array ('start' => "%block text-align=right%", 'end' => "%%\r\n\r\n"), 'default' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "\r\n\r\n")), 'no_attr_def' => array( 'start' => "", 'end' => "\r\n\r\n")), 'span' => array( 'type' => 'attr', 'attr_class' => array( 'wikiword' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => ""), 'default' => array ('start' => '%class=$param%', 'end' => "%%")), 'attr_style' => array( 'font-size: 144%;' => array ('start' => "[++", 'end' => "++]"), // Need to translate the 'font-size: 120%;' => array ('start' => "[+", 'end' => "+]"), // size markups of PmWiki 'font-size: 83%;' => array ('start' => "[-", 'end' => "-]"), // 'font-size: 69%;' => array ('start' => "[--", 'end' => "--]"), // 'default' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "")), 'no_attr_def' => array( 'start' => "", 'end' => "")), 'font' => array( 'type' => 'attr', 'attr_size' => array( '1' => array ('start' => "[--", 'end' => "--]"), // Need to translate the size '2' => array ('start' => "[-", 'end' => "-]"), // bar of FCKEditor '3' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "-]"), '4' => array ('start' => "[+", 'end' => "+]"), '5' => array ('start' => "[++", 'end' => "++]"), 'default' => array ('start' => "", 'end' => "")), 'no_attr_def' => array( 'start' => "", 'end' => "")), 'h1' => array( 'start' => '! ' , 'end' =>"\r\n", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'h2' => array( 'start' => '!! ' , 'end' =>"\r\n", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'h3' => array( 'start' => '!!! ' , 'end' =>"\r\n", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'h4' => array( 'start' => '!!!! ' , 'end' =>"\r\n", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'h5' => array( 'start' => '!!!!! ' , 'end' =>"\r\n", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'h6' => array( 'start' => '!!!!!! ' , 'end' =>"\r\n", 'type' => 'noattr' ), 'br' => array( 'start' => "\\\\\\\r\n", 'type' => 'single' ), 'hr' => array( 'start' => '----' , 'type' => 'single' ), 'a' => array( 'type' => 'link', 'normal' => array('start' => '[[', 'middle' =>'|', 'end' =>']]'), // standard link [[link|text]] 'raw_url' => array('start' => '', 'middle' =>'', 'end' =>''), // only an url 'newwin' => array('start' => '%newwin%'), // add %newwin% is target='_blank' is found 'anchor' => array('start' => '[[#', 'middle' =>'|', 'end' =>']]')), // anchor link [[#anchor]] or [[#anchor|text]] 'table' => array( 'type' => 'block', 'autorizedparam' => array('border', 'bordercolor', 'cellspacing', 'cellpadding', 'width', 'bgcolor', 'align', 'summary')), 'td' => array( 'type' => 'block', 'autorizedparam' => array('align', 'valign', 'colspan', 'rowspan', 'bgcolor', 'width')), 'tbody' => array( 'start' => "", 'end' => "" , 'type' => 'noattr'), // "Unuseful" Markups : not translated in PmWiki 'thead' => array( 'start' => "", 'end' => "" , 'type' => 'noattr'), 'tbody' => array( 'start' => "", 'end' => "" , 'type' => 'noattr'), 'img' => array( 'type' => 'block', 'autorizedparam' => array('width', 'height', 'border', 'vspace', 'hspace')) ); ?> Picowireless Wiki: Main/Historia


    Historial de Main.Historia

    Esconder ediηυes de menor importβncia - Ver alteraηυes no conteϊdo

    02-09-2007, 01:29 PM por -
    Linhas 0-1 foram eliminadas:

    Linha 3 foi acrescentada:
    31-12-2006, 01:28 AM por -
    Linha 2 foi acrescentada:
    31-12-2006, 01:27 AM por -
    Linhas 1-3 foram eliminadas:
    31-12-2006, 01:11 AM por -
    Linhas 1-21 foram acrescentadas: